Usha: I want the bed sheets manufacturers to make bed sheets with elastic so that we just have to wear them over the bed and don't have to worry about the tucking. Also it stays there over the bed even if u jump, roll, n play on bed without moving an inch..How nice.. I doubt if there are such bed sheets produced elsewhere..need to google it..;)
NewseNse response: Hi Usha, yeah that is a very nice idea and we are definitely sure that soon some company would manufacture such type of Bed sheets but to ease your trouble right now what we can suggest is there are certain types of Bed sheets which are like a complete cover as in you have to pull it completely over the mattress and close it at one end. This acts like a cover to the mattress and would not come out. Or else you can DIY like buy a thin elastic rope or thread measure the size of your mattress with it. Cut the length of it and stitch it to the ends of any bed sheet that you intend to use in such a way that it is round and you only have to cover it over the edges of the mattress and it will not move an inch.
NewseNsers any thoughts?? Please comment below.
well I think we already have such bed sheets. Usha please check the below link