The accidental divine mango-NewseNse

There is a limit to our vision, a limit as to what we can see. A limit to the very extent of it and number of things we can capture in a single glimpse. On the other side we have the vast universe, in this universe there are occurrences of periodic and sporadic events. Some occur due to our actions and others; well they just seem to happen anyway. But, what seem like occurrence of a random phenomenon/event, does it occur randomly or are we missing a piece in the grand design?

Undoubtedly there are a lot of ifs and buts involved in this pursuit, because of what we know happen to be very little and the vastness of the unknown is overwhelming.
The second challenge is that; in order to prove the existence of any rational regular pattern in the randomness of such events associated with us, we need scientific experimental evidence. Unfortunately the rules of science do not fit well in the realm of philosophical and spiritual ideologue.

But what cannot be dismissed blatantly is the possibility of an alternative explanation to the random events which occur in our lives. Now is where we bring in the idea of god. Often transcendental attributions are given to seemingly random events and situations we find ourselves from time to time. Any such occurrence defying our scientific bent of reason gives rise to the act of god or a miracle. Whilst belief in existence of god remains subjective and varies accordingly, but the happenings of such events remain constant.

The rationale behind such an argument is that one may not realize or must have not given it a serious thought. But the fact remains that every one of us has experienced it in one form or another. So if we consider the randomness of such events as the dictate of god, can we collude that the apple which fell on Newton’s head was not a random incident but a planned pattern which ought to be?  Thus, there is a possibility that all the events which seem random are or not random at all and it is our inability to deduce the obvious happenings of the nature which we know very less off.

Well the above argument is not being posed as a result of binge watching of Sherlock Holmes series on HBO whilst being high on weed. But because of careful retrospection of strange occurrences/incidents in life which does not tandem with reason and logic.

It would be a lie if i were to claim that i am not a spiritual man, coming from an orthodox Brahmin family i could be anything but spiritual. But never was i an ardent believer of god due to imposition of ritualistic practises which eclipsed any fostering of spiritual aesthetics. After spending a brief amount of time and years scaling the Everest of atheism i found my summit in Shiva.

Well it is hard to say if it is the spiritual aspect or the relatively positive outlook which changed my attitude and perspective in life. But whatever may it be, has anchored my belief in preponderance of pattern in nature. Like Newton or Archimedes who had their share of random incidents leading to introspection and later discoveries. I believe that simultaneously when we face difficulty in life the nature/(you may call it god) works around you and provides you with a solution. And all you have to do is introspect and deduce the signs. Like my mathematics teacher always said, there is a solution for every problem or impediment that you face because in the end LHS is always equal to the RHS. Perhaps a clichéd statement yet true.

God/ nature works in mysterious ways, he is everything that you seek; as he is the question and the very answer to it, the essence of Santana dharma. We come across people who end their lives due to some reason or another, often because of questions and hurdles life poses at them. Some even might think of ending their lives due to temporary shortcomings. I felt the same once, while strolling down the road in a city where i lived, which has a lot of mango trees on the sidewalks. I was highly depressed at the shear helplessness of my situation and where i was heading with it. Dramatically a ripe mango fell in front of me, it could have been mere coincidence, which i picked up, and later turned out to be the sweetest mango I ever had in my life. I named it divine mango which made me realise that no matter how hard the journey may seem but the destination is always rewarding, when you appreciate what you have and what you can get from it.

It can be a story of a coincidental mango incident but for me it is no less than the apple which fell on Newton’s head.

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