NewseNse Quiz of the Day January 26 Bonanza Winner!

Hi NewseNsers!

We have received aN overwhelmiNg respoNse today! ThaNk you for all of your Love!

We hereby aNNouNce the wiNNers of the NewseNse Quiz of the Day "Republic Day BoNaNza wiNNer"

  1. Lucky
  2. Gaurav Dnyaneshwar Gawade
CoNgratulatioNs to both of you!! you are the lucky wiNNers for the boNaNza quiz and have woN cash prize of rs. 200 each. Request you to check your mail/mobile and redeem your prize.

We also have 2 prizes for participation. the lucky wiNNers are:

  1. Malavika
  2. Koilakonda Ravali
CoNgratulatioNs to both of you!! you have won participation prize of rs. 20 each. kindly check your mail for the same.

Answer for yesterday's Quiz isPresident Sukarno (6 June 1901 – 21 June 1970), he was the first President of Indonesia, serving in office from 1945 to 1967

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