NewseNse Quiz 11 Answers

1.     If Aerodrome is for an Aeroplane then what is for Helicopter_______?


2.     If King is to Queen, Duck is to Drake, Goose is to ____?


3.     If Tiger is to Tigress and Lion is to Lioness, Author is to _____?


4.     Spot the Odd one out


5.     If Chicken is for Rooster, Hen for Chick, then Deer is for ________?

Buck, hart, stag

6.     What is the Passive Voice for the Sentence: "Rama killed Ravana"

Ravana was killed by rama 

7.     What is the Passive Voice for the Sentence: "He visited Guntur”

No Passive Voice

8.     What does PC Stands for

Personal Computer

9.     SCUBA stands for?

Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

10. Full form of LASER  

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

11. Full Form of RADAR

Radio detection and ranging


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