Knowing Thyself!!


When someone talks too much it only means they were never heard!
When a person cries s for no reason it means he needs care!
When a person throws up he needs love!
Being lonely defines what are ur parameters of being together! Not everyone has the time, care and affection for they have their own priorities or rather your just not their priority.
People who care for you suddenly don't care enough or rather think they are too involved with you and just turn their face away!

People always confuse with a common equation that hurt begets hatred but it only begets pain, the cycle of pain is never-ending you give pain to someone you love hoping they hate you back which initiates the cycle.
Having a blissful work life and personal life doesn't disentitle someone from being vulnerable to depression! Depression is more than a state of mind, the word is often used too lightly and too often making it sound a mental disorder or rather a state of mind! It's much more than it appears or what it seems .....
"Its a fight a constant fight within where everyday u have to win, everyday you have to find a way to live, everyday a fresh reason to live, every minute something new to hang on just there!"
Love is important but self-love and knowledge of self, is much more important!
Shakespeare in his Measure for Measure he talks of "knowing Thyself" which is more important and that which is always the central scheme of living a blissful life!

"Thyself and thy belongings
Are not thine own so proper as to waste
Thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee.
Heaven doth with us as we with torches do,
Not light them for themselves; for if our virtues
Did not go forth of us, ’t were all alike
As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touched
But to fine issues, nor Nature never lends
The smallest scruple of her excellence
But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines
Herself the glory of a creditor,
Both thanks and use. (1.1.29)
He was ever precise in promise-keeping. (1.2.69)
Good counsellors lack no clients (1.2.97)
The demi-god, Authority. (1.2.120)

People often wrong their emotions and waive them of thinking that they are the results of over brooding and extra attention to the negativity. But often forget to realise that they succumb to it much often because their suffering is never ending in their subconscious memory and haunts them even in their most happy times landing them in a confused state of mind as to why they shed tears of loneliness when they find no reason to it!
However, we also have to realise that we lack the tools of being strong and self-sufficient and we have to acquire those tools by self-efficiency and sufficiency!
Every battle requires a new armour! So does every battlefield! Knowing your enemies is important but knowing your weakness is much more important ... Being battle ready may not be the constant situation but realising that your armour needs a makeover is more relevant in such situations a weak mind leads to a weak armour .. Strength is physical and mental put together to face come what may you need that bent of mind to fight those odds than being armoured and taking the blows!
Taking the blows more than you should also decide your fall!

Love is often mistaken to be just given! 

Knowing thyself in every path of life shall make you self-sufficient and self-reliable!

- from a woman who loves to analyse!

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